January 29, 2011

Winding About

I blame it all on Al Gore. Having nothing better to do since he lost in the run for Presidential Election in 2000, he invented a way of staying in the news. His book and movie, both named An Inconvenient Truth, evidently shook the earth beneath people' feet. It brought to light the apparent harm we were causing, and tagged it as Global Warming. Ever since, the term is tossed about every time someone wants to posit their importance - government officials, 'corporate social responsibility' team of companies, even possible political leaders.
Reams of papers, server space and magnetic tapes have since been consumed to cry foul on how we are ruining the planet, accelerating its age after 4.54 billion years. I agree that we must not excessively waste resources, but if we think that a few billion 5 feet something beings ravaging about can affect the being of Creation.
With Global Warming's toll bells ringing, nothing we do seems right. (apparently) snow caps are melting, oceans are rising, islands are disappearing, ozone layer is depleting. From eating beef which causes increased methane emissions, to making mortar and brick houses, and everything in between, propagandists have beaten into everyone's head that we are screwing things up here like have never been done before.
Today, I read on CNN of physicist Michio Kaku's article stating that the snowstorms paralyzing northeastern US are also a result of global warming. I mean seriously people, you have me torn between Laughing Out Loud and Tearing Hair Out.
Let me explain with an example: New York, the only city which really fascinates me after living in Bombay, has been hit the snowstorm referred above. But if you take a peek at Weather.com, you will notice something piquing. Temparatures in NYC have a record of dipping all the way down to -18°C (presently -4°C), and shooting upto 22°C (presently 1°C). You can clearly see, we are actually living in very temperate times. Just because Father Frost and his Ice Queen had gone off for a holiday for a couple of winters, does not mean they won't be coming back!
Quoting Wikipedia
Predicted changes in orbital forcing suggest that the next glacial period would begin at least 50,000 years from now, even in absence of human-made global warming.
We are definitely not undergoing another Ice Age, caused by 'Global Warming'. 
If that were true, I guess the dinosaurs got wiped out by them expelling copious amounts of intestinal gases after their meals.

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