December 2, 2011

10 things my 20-year self didn't know about being 30

I love the Thanksgiving Holiday. It always ensures my birthday celebration protracts over four days. On the eve of my crossing over from being yuppy to smug, I drew a list of thing I didn't know when I was 20. Although these things are obvious, and experienced adults (parents, older sibling, bosses, teachers, stranger on train) told me a decade ago, it took my own adventurous encounters to interpret their words.
  1. Family comes first.
  2. I like working in a set routine, no matter how mundane the tasks may seem.
  3. Writing is my first love, and I will continue to pursue it, although I may not turn out to be that bestselling author dais.
  4. Shedding 5 kgs is not as easy as a week's summer camp in the hills of Coorg anymore.
  5. Pepsi, you can't beat the addiction of Espresso shots.
  6. I do look better with neck-length hair. Like mom would say, the crew cut makes me look like a skinned chicken.
  7. Not getting first-grade does not mean that life is doomed. It simply means I'm no good at rote-learning, which makes me an idea-person, and thus more employable.
  8. I should have read all those books which were in the recommended reading list over hanging out with colleage-mates. They are awesome pieces of writing, as I have found out.
  9. Be yourself, in clothes, words, and actions. Everyone around you is in the same groove of self-doubt.
  10. Patience grows, tolerance disappears

1 comment:

gg said...

so well written nilo...and I have never doubted about you being a best selling author... i believe you will get there...