September 11, 2009

Flawed Postulate

The penny dropped today as I experienced my first whiff of Bombay gook since I stopped going to work 13 days ago. The phosphoric snuff jolted my mind from glee-world to the verity that I was going to the 'land of plenty'.

Coupled with the XXL size of everything from food portions to Sequoia trees, my packing list of mini-sized items and potion bottles is fundamentally unsound. I am bewildered how these thoughts never floated into my mind stream while I was busy stuffing over-sized bags with my worldly possessions. Airlines flying into Yankee-ground allows me to carry double the cargo than other judicious countries. Not only have I strapped in my perennial overclothes, but also managed to accommodate avertible items like 2 coffee pots, fancy ensembles and accessories.
This most favorably works for the dozen or so books I have made up my mind to treasure, and over time, rebuild my assorted library.

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